Global Investor Program
If you are thinking of investing in Singapore, the Global Investment Program (GIP) is a feasible way to apply for Permanent Residency.
While the Singapore government has gotten more stringent on PR requirements, this is an area that we are able to offer our consultancy, on additional documents that may prove helpful, on interviews, and on how to put everything together so that you present the strongest possible case for the immigration to consider.
Naturally, you are the expert in your investment plan. But we are the experts in helping you through the stages of immigration, residency, investments, and citizenship in Singapore.
Consult us on how to take advantage of the GIP
Entrepreneur in Singapore
Many people are drawn to expanding their business into Singapore, for good reasons too. Singapore connects to all the major flight networks and shipping routes in the world. The tax is reasonable and a wide base of workforce consisting of different segments is readily available.
There are a host of considerations when expanding your business into Singapore. Should your company be a representative office, subsidiary company or a branch office. How do tax laws apply for each of the option? Fortunately, you do not really have to worry about these. We make it our business to provide consultancy on the best option so that you can work on what you really want to – growing your business.
Consult us to bring your business into Singapore
Application for Singapore PR or Citizenship
The mistake for most people is that they think such applications is all about filling in complex forms, meeting stringent requirements and then hoping for the best. Actually it’s all of the above and more than that.
It’s about paying attention to detail and analyzing them such that what must be highlighted must be highlighted with supporting documents. We look at each case and put together the best possible way of presentation that each application must pass our own approval test before it could be submitted.
Usually, when it’s good enough for us to put it in, it’s good enough for the immigration. This is the secret to our high success rate.
Consult us on how to put together a successful PR application
Study in Singapore
Singapore has one of the best ranked education system in the world. What that means is that waiting lists to get into local schools can be long, sometimes even stretching into years.
Obviously, any student pass application cannot afford to risk any mistakes or rejection will only result in longer delays to your child’s education. That is why a study of requisite documents detailing proof of education, grades, and even financial proof can be vital strengthening any application.
This is not just about consultancy for a student pass application, this is also about consultancy on what would be the most appropriate educational route in the local system for your child, with explorations of further studies options. Ultimately, we understand that it is not just about entry into Singapore, but your child’s long term future as well.
Consult us to plan your child’s education route
Studying in Australia
If you are interested in studying in Australia – you are in the right place! Aresource management services is designed to help you succeed.
There are thousands of courses offered, and we have the number one guide to help you from the beginning to the end. Our consultant can help you find the right school, further will help you study, work, and live in Australia, and we even have information on what to expect after graduation.
Welcome to contract us to studying in Australia